Thursday, August 1, 2013

August Is For Lovers

Well, it's officially August. I like August for many reasons; the summer is winding down but we're still having fun, it's almost time for the kids to go back to school (anyone else have a countdown going?), and it's the month Olyut came home from the NICU and we still celebrate his "coming home day". But more than all of that, it's the month BJ and I got married. This August marks nine years for us. Nine. And I'm even more in love now than I was then. Sappy, I know, but true.

So here's the deal, I want to celebrate by sharing my artistic abilities with you. I have created some printable word art that I'm going to share with all of you. For free! For a limited time. I'm sharing one below, and I'm planning to offer at least two others. They will be available through August. Feel free to pin this on Pinterest or share it on Facebook or even on your own blogs, I just ask that you link back to me please. I worked hard on this, after all.

Just be warned, I also plan on sharing parts of our love we met, ways that BJ still manages to steal my heart and sweep me off my feet, and all that jazz.

This first printable is a quote from Wuthering Heights, which I haven't actually read. I know, for same....right? But this quote so perfectly encompasses how I feel about BJ. He truly is my "other half". I can not even imagine what life would be like we're he not part of it, I am not whole without him. Totally sappy. I'm sorry....well not really. I honestly hope that everyone finds a love like that at some point.